Paxton Road 2: Track painting (N part 16)…

As well as the road on Beaverbrook I managed to use the same paint on the track work of Paxton Road, a step towards ground work on this small 500mm cameo in N scale...

The British Finescale Code 40 bullhead rail and sleepers are very fine and I was keen not to loose that finesse through painting. A mix of Humbrol 72, 98 and 33 for the sleepers, and adding a little 82 for the rail sides, thinned down with white spirit. Working in this small scale was a little different to usual, and things went very easily although I needed a smaller brush! 

The results have transformed the look of the track already (top) and I can't wait to add some ground textures. I plan to add a slight rise to the ground in front of the back scene (to hide the base of it), as well as an embankment rising to a road over bridge on the left. 

The overall project feels very positive and I think this table top presentation working very well, when viewed or operated from a low chair. I will have to think about alternative operational locations, as it's eventual home will be to be displayed occasionally  at operator height in the workshop, on rotation with Kinross and Pont-y-dulais. In terms of experimenting with scenic techniques as well as thoughts on presentation, so far so good. Until next time, more soon...

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