On Video: Shades of Mountain Ash...

For your cinematic enjoyment today I present seventeen glorious minutes as this video shares my latest layout build commission 'Shades of Mountain Ash'...

The layout was developed at the end of 2022 and presented here as a 'concept' in January. In the video you will see the layout as a whole and then be taken on a guided tour of some of the design elements interspersed with some Pannier tank action. These take significantly longer to produce then written content, but there are plenty of other videos to find and enjoy on my YouTube channel so if you haven't subscribed already, please do take a look. The layout will feature one last time on the blog when I complete a layout photo shoot, but until then, grab a drink and a biscuit, sit back and take a look. Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. This layout really is right up my street (or track?), it almost feels like it could have PyD bolted onto one end of it. I'm not sure how that would work practically, but there seems to be a common thread. I'm excited that PyD may be coming to visit soon as the new owners still haven't worked out how to connect track power, so I've been contracted as tech support. It has, however, been very much enjoyed as 3D artwork in the meantime. I'm very much looking forward to reacquainting myself with the layout - maybe even a little running session once power has returned.

    1. Thanks James, any problems just give me a ring.

    2. Thanks, will do - hopefully be able to work it out ourselves though :)


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