Red brick (N part 48)…

During the late 1980s bricks were being moved by rail in small quantities using the wagon load network…

That makes them a reasonable choice for a load on my Speedlink era ‘Paxton Road’. I had pondered how best to respresent these palletised loads and found a supplier of 3D printed details ‘Bunters Yard’ whose range included a brick pallet in N scale. 

An order was duly placed, and these were primed and then painted Humbrol 70 for the bricks, 72 for the pallet and the tops dry brushed with 70 with a touch of 28. Once dry they were glued to a false floor cut to fit the Farish OBA wagon.

My intention is to also model the concrete block loads in my Plasmor OBA - but that required me to draw them up I think, as they’re quite unusual in how they were loaded. For now, this feels better than being empty, and was a quick enjoyable evening project. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Nice, and once again hard to tell it is N not OO.
    In my experience bricks on pallets are either delived on a lorry with a crane, or a flatbed so the forklift can get to the pallets

  2. Thanks James. Yes that’s still a lovely by product of applying my thinking to N, it looks great and takes up such little space!

    1. Have you seen Paul Baxter in the Micro Layouts FB group is building a cersion of your Wick design? I was just thinking it would be adaptable to an Irish prototype as well. I've spent a lot of time waiting for trains in irish trainsheds

    2. Thanks for the tip-off…


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