Down on Beaverbrook: Island power…

It is still early days for TerraTransport on Prince Edward Island. The reliability of the 1200hp GMD1 trio acquired at start up have been good whilst a little underpowered…

In 1999 the pair of ex Wisconsin Central SDL39 2300hp arrived and proved perfect for the islands light weight trackage and IRSI take over the shops at Moncton. Power from across the TerraTransport network travels here for heavy overhaul. I shared this photo with Chris

This is always what makes Moncton so attractive. While not the traditional heart of TerraTransport, I love how they rotate engines through Beaverbrook before returning them to service.

The Franklin spur is used for ‘testing’ recently out-shopped power. It’s become a great place to spot locomotives from all of the TerraTransport lines (apart from that in Wales).

Which has a foot in reality. As CN moved toward the end of its own end of MLW power it increasingly concentrated that service in Moncton. Recently-outshopped MLW’s were broken in on runs out of the city before being sent west.

In reality we’re playing with a superb ScaleTrains SDL39 on the front spur, at the layout edge, on Beaverbrook. An Atlas Master-line BC Rail box car and Modelu3D figures complete the scene. Carefully edited to hide the cardboard cut out buildings that still form the backdrop along the centre of the layout. I wish you could immerse yourself in this scene like I can, the sounds of the turbo EMD 645 power unit reminding me of their big brothers, the SD40-2 I enjoyed fighting grades on CP Rail in the Rockies of my trip in 1989. Until next time though, more soon…  

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