Stanley the Baldwin…

Whilst preparing content for my new book I needed a photograph of my Bachmann 009 Baldwin that I modified and repainted a few years ago...

What I realised was that it had never had it's own post before now - there were some from it's gestation and development but nothing that showed it's completed form - apart from 'action' shots of it in use on East Works. Let's put that right now! The model was modified from a Hummy and it supposed to represent an ex-Ashover example that was sold to my ball clay mine on Purbeck. Pretty much knackered on arrival it put in a few years work before being confined to the scrap heap. Named Stanley thanks to the Reverend Awdry, the model was fitted with a cab front I designed and had printed by Steve to test out the 'new' 3D printer! Painted green to match Russell, the model tells a story with the vacuum brake gear still in place but the hoses long gone and the leaching of lime in the water supply down the side tanks not boding well for the boiler. Crewed by my old stand by (pre Modelu), the Dapol (ex Airfix) workman.

The model did sterling work on East Work's one and only exhibition outing (pre-Covid) and seeing it again makes me yearn for another 009 layout. I have pretty much all the track to build Ridge, perhaps that would be a good exercise for the summer? Anyhow - at least for now, Stanley has his own post. Until next time, more soon...

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  1. Look forward to seeing more about the Baldwin, hope you are inspired enough to consider another 009 railway. The Snailbeach railway is always at the back of my mind to model. Didn't you once do some sketches about a proposed model?

    1. Thanks Phil, I got as far as even modelling one of the Snailbeach Baldwin, and then lost interest… there was no deep connection and I found the sketches and locomotive were enough of a project to scratch that interest. Ridge, on the other hand, connects to childhood holidays in Dorset, so may well see the light of day. We shall see…


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