Book sale: A trio of titles…

I've acquired more books in recent weeks and the shelves are groaning and in an effort to keep things loving I'm selling on three books I've thoroughly enjoyed but would love to send to a new home...

They are priced competitively I hope, and you will be funding my continued enthusiasm for the printed page so that more will undoubtedly take their place! Postage is excluded from the price but is a fixed £3 for one or more of the titles. All titles are in good condition with no pencil marks or folded corners. Payment via Paypal friends and family or Bank Transfer accepted.

'The 4mm Wagon - Part One - Opens, Minerals and Hoppers' by Geoff Kent £10 


'The Bryngwyn Branch' by Dave Southern and John Keylock £10 


'Search for Steam - Industrial Railways 1964-1966' by Charlie Verrall £5 


I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


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