Llangollen Diesel Gala 2023...

These photos are a little passed their sell by date, I'll admit, but it's been so busy here I've not had a chance to stop, breathe and upload them for you all to see...

I spent the Saturday on the platform at Corwen, watching the punters come and go whilst displaying and operating Paxton Road. My turn for a ride came on Sunday when friend James came down to join me and we spent several happy hours up and down travelling behind all the locomotives in use! Despite others dislike of the 47 she sounded wonderful heading up Berwyn bank and approaching Berwyn tunnel - superb. The Type 2s were in great form too, the 26/31 combo was great fun with the 31 giving us a good push on occasion, the first train of the day the 26 struggling to find grip. Later on the 25 on the ballast was an experience not often available - we did the whole line and a bit more behind it!

I believe it was a relative success, and the team behind it deserve recognition for all the blood sweat and tears that went into organising the event. I look forward to 2024. Now some photos...

Day 1

5310 and D7659 run around at Corwen

31271 arrives on the freight (with passenger accommodation)

Paxton Road on display at Corwen

Day 2

5310 on the first train of the day (31271 on the other end) after arrival at Corwen

1566, the Brush Type 4 arriving at Berwyn

Passing 31271 on the freight at Llangollen Goods approaching Llangollen

On the goods again, passing 1566 at the Goods Junction as we head towards Berwyn.

D7659 at Berwyn with the goods.

On the goods at Carrog, passing 31271 and 5310.

A wonderful weekend - tiring but one to remember for the weeks and months to come. Until next time, more soon...

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  1. Really was an excellent day, thanks again for your hospitality - it was a lot of fun and nice to catch up. With Llangollen-Corwen followed by Appleby Frodingham and the Battlefield Line last weekend, I've gone from a dearth of train days to an elegant sufficiency. If I can manage to sneak away for a few hours next weekend, I might see if I can add the Ribble gala to that tally...

    1. I shouldn’t say I’m off to Porthmadog tomorrow for a run up to Blaenau then! I’ve been rather blessed with real trains of late. Glad you enjoyed yourself, pleasure to spend time with a good friend and share the valley with someone less familiar with its charms, it helps me see it through fresh eyes.


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