Moments of calm with Paxton Road...

Moments of calm, albeit brief. The opportunity to just glance, perhaps shuffle a train, to distract and slow down a busy mind...

Whilst what is running, nor what is done is important - the fact that it looks and performs well is key here... a holistic and believable scene to get lost in, flawless performance at the flick of a switch. Yes it is small but the modern image N scale contained within the magic of Paxton Road fulfils both requirements.

When I set out to build the layout, which itself was immensely enjoyable, I hadn't quite realised how much value I was going to get out of the project once 'complete'. It might be done but I'm not finished, it's continued value being impossible to put a price upon.

If your home lacks a model railway, and you love them as much as I do, perhaps a small shelf or shunting plank would be a great project for you. If you struggle to pin down a scheme or even build something then perhaps I can help, any scale or any gauge, any prototype I offer my layout design service from just £175 and full builds beyond. Get in touch using the form on the website (in the menu) Facebook or the forums. Until next time, more soon...

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