Lochdubh: Fit for the bin…

It's the little touches that make a scene, and like a landscape painter I am often drawn to adding a touch of bright colour on to my canvas...

In the overall composition these red bins don't stand out, but when our eye traces the scene they spot the familiar form, hi-lighted by their colour and the way they help punctuate the canvas. I could have bought these bins, but they're of my hand and their gently rounded form reminiscent of the blown plastic moulding of the prototype. Lochdubh is pretty much 'finished' and continues to delight daily. It will be some time before I tire of loosing myself inside that small box of dreams. Until next time, more soon...

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  1. The gray tone and crunchy looking weeds against fell like fall is in the air.

    1. Thanks Joe, I’d not actually considered a time of year when playing, sorry designing the layout. Perhaps fall it is…

  2. You made those? In N scale? Now that is something else. I thought perhaps they were a 3D print. Your patience and abilities know no bounds. Well done.

    1. Thanks Ian.
      Made yes, because why not. Scratch building details on small layouts is a joy not a chore… their limited scope giving you the patience to persevere.

  3. Ah, hello Andy... there you are!

    Lovely work as always, James. I was looking at those bins, thinking it would be fun to model the blackened melted plastic where cigarettes has been stubbed out on it, then I remembered... this is N!


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