Down on Beaverbrook: Heart felt pages...

I love Tom Nelligan's book on the short lines of New England. I love the variety and stark differences between the lowly single customer line with an old Switcher to the Providence and Worcester with it's new MLW/GE and EMD power...

Whilst this image is born of Beaverbrook its second home is the pages of that holy grail. High contrast black and white with a dull finish that could be lifted directly from the fuel for the inspirational fire, the subject, the GE U18B perfect for the period too, a sister to the P&W units from our own start up short line, TerraTransport in the Canadian Maritimes. Whilst colourless our head knows the green, our heart feels the lumpy characterful idle as she rests between moves, frozen in time, a moment to cherish forever as although early promise led to further expansion the inevitable march of the orange and black has blanketed what is left of the promise that TT held across the region.

So a photo of a model that evokes a whole back story from book to model to faux history. I love model railways. Until next time, more soon...

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