On Video: Fiddle sticks for operation…

In yesterday’s blog I shared the latest of my cameo layout builds. This project however, basically a motive power depot with off stage stations is perhaps a useful analogy for others and the design of fiddlestick may suit others considering similar operation…

In this (shorter) video I talk about how the operation works, and demonstrate the simplicity of the cameo box design. I hope even if you’re not building a layout it’s entertaining - my apologies for talking into the sun, and the sudden ending (someone was coming down the drive!). Normal blog service will resume tomorrow, until then, more soon..,

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  1. Hi James

    I looked at both your recent videos and enjoyed them both. I think the "fiddlestick" idea with turnout rather than just plain track is an interesting and would certainly add to operation. I imagine it would work as well in other scales. What is your thoughts for H0 or 00n4. -is there a maximum size for the "stick do you think?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Alan, I’ve build big fiddle sticks before now, which are really just shelf based - self supporting is much harder but it’s possible, just needs considering during design.


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