Commission: Dutch 08…

This tiny Dutch shunter bears more than a passing resemblance to my old favourite the British Rail class 08. My customer had modified the Graham Farish example to approximate the prototype in N gauge and wanted me to paint and finish the model…

I stripped it down, primed and then smoothed and tidied up the finish before painting in the distinctive grey and yellow scheme of the national operator. This was achieved using Humbrol shades in case it needed touch up or matching in future, the prototypes faded from their painted condition so the grey, although perhaps a touch pale, is not un-prototypical. Grey 5 and yellow 69.


I am able to offer you a one stop shop when it comes to modelling so the small markings in this case were a lovely touch to include. I worked from photographs to ensure the distinctive style of the numbering was captured accurately and these decals were then sourced and applied by me before the model was sealed with a satin lacquer.

The model has returned home and I was pleased to receive a kind email with a few photos of her in use on my customers ‘in progress’ layout. I undertake all types of commission modelling from design through to finished product. Any scale and gauge and prototype, modified ready to run, repaints, numbering, weathering or kit build, scratch build or even full layout design and realisation. Get in touch for a no-obligation fixed price proposal.

Giles Mockford photo 

Until next time, more soon…

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