On video: Transforming performance...

I've had two of these early Athearn Genesis models that use the Tsunami 1 decoder from Soundtraxx. The Guilford GP40 was a slightly better performing model but that has moved on, the Canadian National GP38-2 that remains a favourite prototype and I love the finish, but it just wasn't getting used...

I balked at paying out for a new ESU decoder to replace this one, and so decided to address the tinny sound by spending just £10 (plus postage) on a RailExclusive precision engineered 'cube' type speaker. For its small size it packs a big punch with great reproduction through the sound range. That was an easy swap but despite now sounding better the model still disappointed with straight to 10mph start on speed step 1. I've tried taming this using the forward and reverse trim in the past, this worked well on the GP40 but this model it just moved the jack rabbit start to speed step 2!

I've always been put off by playing with motor settings on DCC, I don't understand them (despite studying control and electronics 20 odd years ago at university). That said I eventually found a process that works, and works well. In this video you'll hear the difference the speaker makes, and see the difference in performance from tuning the CV values - this took no more than 30 minutes in total so whilst not quite a 5 minute wonder, it's certainly worth playing with if you have Tsunami 1 decoders you're not happy with.

I hope the video gives you some encouragement to give it a go yourself - let me know how you get on. Until next time, more soon...

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  1. Hi James

    A really interesting video and te results are a great improvement . I have a number of later run/new Genesis units and although the start is smooth, moving up the notches from 2 still still jumpy. A friend and I are going to look at this soon so the video and the link should be very useful

    Best regards


    1. Hi Alan, no reason to think it won’t improve a second series Tsunami, certainly worth a try. In my experience these are better out of the box. This would certainly improve the performance of the CF7 you purchased from me.


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