Full circle: 7754 returns…

It was the summer of 1994, and I stood on the steps at the end of the platform, enjoying the warm sunshine and the spectacle of 7754 in steam at the newly opened Glyndyfrdwy… 

On the 23rd September things came full circle, watching 7754 from the same spot looking superb on its first passenger turn since returning to traffic. This is a massive achievement for the railway, I hope everyone who has been involved realises how important this milestone feels in the railways revival.

I’ve been taking photos of the railway all year, I tend to share them first in my Flickr album, so that’s worth a look from time to time. This year has seen things settle down with reliable service from stalwart 68067, the DMU and diesel groups with the latter’s successful gala last month. Let us hope the enthusiastic band of volunteers keep moving forwards in the year ahead. Until next time, more soon...

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