Rare visitor to Paxton Road…

A crisp Spring morning in 1984 and BRCW Sulzer Type 2 ‘Class 26’ is seen unusually in the yard…

Pre-rebuild the Class 26 were vacuum brake only so this short trip working to collect a pair of VEA wagons on bonded whisky traffic is a rare catch - usually the preserve of big brother Class 27s in this period - before the inevitable march off the English Electric Type 3s across North Eastern Scotland in the mid 1980s. 

This Dapol 26, that would usually call Lochdubh home was posed on Paxton Road, reminded me of my original Scottish intentions with the small cameo layout. A 27 did come to visit for a day or so from Rails of Sheffield this year but was a poor runner so returned, the 26 from eBay however is a keeper. N gauge is wonderful, and I’m so lucky to have discovered its charms. The balance of detail and size perfect for those of us with smaller houses. The range of models and kits available, as well as various qualities and accuracies of track make it the obvious choice over TT:120, when you strip away the hype. If you’ve not tried it yet Farish are offering a range of exciting and excellently priced train sets this festive season - in fact I picked on up myself to play with… but that’s another story. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. James that's a lovely shot of the class 26 with the VEA Railfreight wagons.

    1. Thank you Kevin, yes there is something about them isn't there!


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