Commission: Last (?) Ruston LB in 7/8ths…

Today I share the last of this year’s batch of 7/8ths scale Ruston LB. This project stretches back to April 2021 when work began on the initial design work. We’ve come a long way from there with one prototype (currently for sale) and eight production models and it’s been a great project with so much to learn but it’s time to start something new… 

That can wait for its own post at a future date - for now, here is the last of the 2023 batch and perhaps last of all the models. A cabbed 32mm gauge model it sports the frame extensions that allow the drive chain to sit outboard of the wheels, the drive and gearbox too wide at gauges less than 600mm for it to sit between the wheels. The prototypes ‘modern’ appearance is perhaps not to everyone’s taste but it is still a solidly built piece of Ruston engineering, built to last.


This finish is hard won and mixes primer, paint, lacquer and weathering to get that mottled and worn in look so distinctive of narrow gauge motive power in particular. I love bringing these models to life and working closely with each customer to ensure they feel as much part of the build as I do - this means each scratch built creation is unique not just through my hand, but your imagination.

Although both the Hudson and this Ruston are ‘retired’ I am happy to build a one off for you in the future. Either that or any prototype! I’ve worked on fairly standard Motor Rail to the more unique Campagne tractor. One of my favourites was the slope sides Ruston 20DL. There were plans for a batch of larger Ruston’s which may still germinate this winter, but the ‘something new’ is more modern and yellow…

You can get in touch through the form in the menu here, Facebook or the forums. Until next time. More soon…

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