Dyfrdwy Tramway on video…

The joy of steam - that magical experience of controlling something real. Even though it is miniature, and running on gas, it still smells hot, and of oil, and it’s alive…

It isn’t always easy to film the experience but a few weeks ago, whilst my son was visiting, we managed to get a short snippet of video - here edited together to form a little taste of the experience yet from hopefully a somewhat realistic viewing angle. 

I love my garden railway - its lack of use may lead you to think otherwise, but those occasions when trains run all becomes well in the world. Adding steam is a faff, yes, but the experience is quite mindful and the operation, the challenge of running steam over the tramways with its undulations and kinks quite the challenge. I hope you enjoy the video and that it captures just a little of that magic. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi James

    Short but sweet and I can see the enjoyment of your garden tramway

    Hope you are having a good weekend

    Best regards

    1. Thanks Alan, yes indeed, on both counts

  2. That's lovely James. Di you have a track plan/map of the tramway? I think I can envisage it's formation but the OCD part of my brain likes to see the details oh and maps....


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