Narrow gauge dream…

The rain pours down outside. Droplets leave patterns on the glass of the double glazing. Inside it’s still August, we don’t have the heating on in August! Cold, dark, wet and miserable…

Perched up high on top of a layout commission sits Creech Barn. Four tiny but beautifully proportioned industrial narrow gauge locomotives collected around the sector plate. I see their forms outlined by the soft light diffused by cloud and rain - in that moment I’m lost to the world, calm, in myself. The model trains not a distraction nor a primary focus, more a conduit to a peaceful and mindful place. Rain outside but at peace within.

This last week of the summer holiday sees me surrounded by commission work of all scales and gauges whilst trying to find time to get the girls ready for school and not drowning in responsibility. Moments like this are a welcome distraction, reminder if you like, that I’m wired differently and that’s ok.

Until next time, more soon…

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  1. *
    "Four ….. beautifully proportioned ….. locomotives collected around the sector plate."

    I can see five locomotives. Which one is not "beautifully proportioned"?

    Or does the I/C loco not count as it does not appear to be on a track fed by the sector plate?

    Christopher Payne

    1. The diesel is ‘under restoration’ and has no wheels… does that make it a locomotive or not? I decided the latter.

  2. That reminds me of the Frankfurt Feldbahn museum


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