Hilton and Mears: The Pannier at Pont Dulas…

I was looking through that box of old prints again and found this one and felt my good friend Chris might enjoy it...

I can remember seeing this and wishing I had a camera, thinking that the change to BR meant change was measured in chapters read and waiting to be opened.

For the Hilton and Mears fans I'm glad to share that Chris and I are still collaborating on material - just nothing quite ready for publication at the moment. In the meantime, this little snippet of our usual back and forth messaging has the same warmth as the model and photograph itself. I hope you're having a great Sunday, until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Morning James. That phrase "I wish I had a camera" is forever in my mind. I think it's great that Alan went to all those industrial locations with his camera, notebook (and incredibly his children!) so that we all benefit from seeing the pictures years later. I wish I taken pictures when I was a teenager, my memories of Cornwall in the mid-1990's are so vivid. Atmosphere is so important in a model railway or scene. Great stuff as always. Take care.

    1. Yes Tom, it is why I take photos of the railway today, the railway I encounter rather than purposely visit - so I don't say 'I wish I had my camera' in the future. My Instagram and Flickr usually end up with the results as they don't do well on the blog... always lovely to read a comment, thank you!

    2. Yes taking a camera is one of the most important things you need on any trip, at least for me. Without it there are no actual memories only impressions (they can be important but not so true without photos to back them up). I once went on a trip to Cuba and a couple took no photos - said they did not need to - but I wonder . I for some reason forgot my camera in 1965 on a visit to Thurrock Chalk and Whiting and just had to write my impressions - it was not the same. I learnt and have not forgotten the camera since even when film ( remember that) was expensive.

      Now most of us have a camera in our pocket so the excuses not to record are less but I still take a pocket digital or a SLR on train trips- I just think the quality is better and I find them easier to use.

      Best regards

    3. Personally Alan - I can't match the quality of my iPhone on anything else these days, but I don't have a 'current' modern digital SLR, mine is getting on a bit. I do miss the lack of a telephoto lens though with the phone.

    4. Yes James I agree the modern phone cameras are very good but I find the framing ang zooming more difficult than using a "real" camera. Might be a sign of my age however!!!

      Best regards


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