Reprise: Alan Sewell visits the MSC...

On Monday I shared some of Alan's photos taken on print film of the MSC systems on a summer holiday trip with the children...

He has kindly now dug out his slide scanner and added a few more period photos to the collection, which I have captioned here. It is always a pleasure to be able to share these with you all - they provide me with a lot of inspiration and creative energy - Alan and I keep discussing the idea for some sort of book at some point, but for now, enjoy these fresh images and begin your own day dream of an industrial system!

Stanlow Oil Sidings - The working loco used was 3003 0-6-0DH Sentinel wks. No. 10146 of 1963 painted a faded blue. There is a steep 1 in 76 grade up to BR called locally the “Stanlow bank” . Trains are hauled up in rakes of around eight wagons (six in wet weather) with one of two MSC brakevans attached. Alan Sewell photo.

Barton Dock Estate - 4002 a 430hp Hudswell Clarke ( D1076 of 1959) was being readied for the evening shift. Alan Sewell photo.

Barton Dock Estate - The morning shift had been worked by D2 a 204hp Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0D ( wks. number D1187 of 1960) and 4002 a 430hp Hudswell Clarke ( D1076 of 1959) was being readied for the evening shift. Alan Sewell photo.

Ellesmere Port West - A working loco was parked by the level crossing – another Sentinel 0-6-0 number 3004 - awaiting orders. Alan Sewell photo.

Stanlow Oil Sidings - There is a steep 1 in 76 grade up to BR called locally the “Stanlow bank” . Trains are hauled up in rakes of around eight wagons (six in wet weather) with one of two MSC brakevans attached. Alan Sewell photo.

Ellesmere Port West - Two other locos (Sentinel 0-6-0DH numbers 3001 and 3002) were lined up outside the blue painted workshops together with an ex GWR Engineers brakevan. Alan Sewell photo.

Stanlow Oil Sidings - The working loco used was 3003 0-6-0DH Sentinel wks. No. 10146 of 1963 painted a faded blue. This is kept in a wired off compound to the west of the MSC sidings. Locos are stabled here for around a month before going to Ellesmere West for maintenance. Alan Sewell photo.

Thank you Alan - until next time, more soon...


  1. Very atmospheric! A book would be great!

  2. Hi James

    Oh and Tom

    Glad you liked the photos - finding them again was a good excuse to at last set up the scanner which I have had for at least three years!!!
    Maybe we can discuss a book in the next year or two

    In case you want to know the "crew" looking out of the cab window in the first photo of the train is my son Andrew then aged seven

    Best regards

    1. That’s amazing Alan, you could never imagine such a thing today.

  3. Marvelous photo's! I find the MSC network so fascinating.😁

    1. and Alan's photos are superb time capsules! Rails are doing the MSC ones so cheap at the moment I'm tempted to buy a second.

    2. Yup, you're not the only one.... I'm Such a sucker for a Sentinel.


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