Halted at Boston Lodge…

Halted. Paused. Stopped. It doesn’t matter now you say it, the result is the same. There has been no progress on this Ffestiniog themed cameo for months…

Boston Lodge Halt was conceived the same time as Pont Dulas and shares the same box size and height of the track bed. The original idea based upon those generated in ‘Frivilous Ffestiniog’ was to have some sort of base that the layouts could sit within allowing continuous running. In the months that have followed you have seen this box on occasion and usually demonstrating some minor step forwards - but the wind that often fills my creative sails has blown through with the Ffestiniog. 

In more recent times I have come to accept this feeling as a project being finished. Perhaps not traditionally complete, rather the energy to continue has gone, has been burnt out by the efforts to date. This has seen projects like Gerald Road Mk1 sold off before completion and a clear out of un-needed rolling stock for the OO gauge un-started Ruabon Brook Tramway. However, whilst Linda found a new home earlier this year the small collection of Ffestiniog models here in my collection remain. Further, digging them out and placing them on the layout for these photographs I recognised the fire has some burning embers, it is not finished. 

So why then has Boston Lodge Halt, halted? 

Early in its genesis I was working with a lovely chap called Ben on a commission. You will probably remember ‘Boston Lodge’ from last year, this was a wonderful layout build and experience but overlaying that projects timescale on this story it may be that my Ffestiniog tank ran a little empty. Yet the fire never goes out because of the frequent restorative visits I make to the prototype. The fire is kept alive by a very personal connection to prototype, and so, the unfinished cameo continues to reside here because subconsciously I know it isn’t finished. I’m not finished.

Whilst I’m sure you may hope to see more progress sooner rather than later, perhaps because like me, you can see the promise in this composition with its lush green canopy and framed view, equally I’m sure you recognise these feelings of dampened enthusiasm. For now, after enjoying looking at it for a day or so, it will make its way back to the storage shelf. Safely here for when the wind blows, the fire burns brighter or, perhaps less likely, goes out. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi James. There's distinctly bleak and wintery feel to the layout. Is the scenery going to be similar to Mike Confalone's Allagash? I had a brief dabble in 009 a decade ago, not a success to be honest, not sure why as there are some lovely layouts out there, Corrish being a particular favourite which is why I was excited to see it in your new book. Take care.

    1. Hi Tom - there is without any scenery! The trees are a work in progress - I expect the finished result to be as lush and inviting as Pont Dulas - that is, if it is ever complete. Glad you enjoyed seeing Corrish in the Companion!

  2. Atmosphere without scenery! There's something in that scene worth pursuing. I usually get about three quarters of a way into a project and lose interest. I'm already planning my next one. I think Corrish is a great layout, I regularly look at the YouTube clips of it, particularly the finished one with the dubbed loco sounds. Keep up the great work James. It's keeping me fuelled with ideas. Take care.

    1. I will see how things progress... at midday, the layout is still out...


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