Real moments…

It’s Sunday. The weather outside is best described as atmospheric. Grey sky, mist and drizzle. Almost gloomy, but my heart feels warm so this word doesn’t spring to mind…

That warmth comes from moments away from the very iPad I’m writing this later with… it comes from familiar books of far away places, both in distance and time. It comes from a hot strong coffee and from a snoozing dog tucked up under the blanket beside me. The house is quiet. I feel calm.

I write this later than usual as those moments earlier felt too good to disturb. Now the window is ajar, my partner is up pottering about, the house is coming to life and the slightly haunting lilt of a GWR 38xx whistle wafts into my consciousness and the unmistakeable sound of steam as she climbs the slight grade across the river from my perch, out of sight but otherwise a treat for the senses. The weekend is an opportunity for us to relax. So much of our lives are digital now, often through one device, that finding these ‘real’ moments is more difficult. Today was a conscious effort.

I share a photo of a favourite model on a favourite layout presented in a style that evokes the feel of my favourite books. I never thought my ‘modern image’ would become the same nostalgic balm that others felt for BR blue, green or even steam, yet today it is - and I make no apology for that. Whilst some modelling may beckon later, I am prolonging this period of still contemplation from the sofa, and so finding this photo amongst other recent examples felt a good illustration of my love for the hobby, for trains and for the weather outside contrasting with the feelings within.

Until next time, more soon…

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  1. I find it fascinating how differently people approach this hobby. For me there is not a lot nostalgia or memory that links me to 'real' trains. I spent virtually no time watching the real thing when I was young, with the exception of what used to be an Excel distribution center I could observe from the Met line on trips to Harrow on Hill. Yet I find myself drawn to model railways, in particular those of a more realistic nature. Without doubt I am seeking to create some sort memory I never had. Your work is so evocative of these thoughts, long may it continue, now I am off to get lost in a book!

    1. Thanks James, I hope you enjoyed the book.


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