Retro result…

I’ve been enjoying reading some old second hand Ian Allan photo books from the late 80s. The trade craft of photographers like Tom Heavyside and Brian Morrison is timeless...

Pentrefelin, Friday 20th September 2024.

Inspired I set my phone to black and white, determined to not edit or crop today’s composition. Even better, it’s a Railfreight 31 right out of the same era as the books…

Whilst today’s digital photography might lack some of the romance of the old analog days it’s amazing to be able to share moments later with you all!

My album of photos from the Llangollen this year can be found here:

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  1. Replies
    1. Sorry for the brief post today, it’s been a slow weekend!
      Thanks, I’m pleased with the photo.

  2. There's nothing in the picture from 2024, it could be the late 80's and a construction 31 has been borrowed for a nuclear flask train in deepest Wales. This is diesel traction preservation at it's finest James. Sometimes a picture is all that's needed. Great stuff. Take care.


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