Restorative mindful composition…

The distinctive face of the English Electric type 3, especially a Scottish example with the 3 piece mini snowploughs. Distinctive and characterful, almost friendly…

Capturing character in the smaller scales is more than millimetre accuracy, it’s about a blend of engineering and art, where we’re trying to suggest real mass, presence. This Graham Farish 37 has appeared before on the blog, it has been detailed and reworked, repainted and lowered. Combined with British Finescale bull head code 40 rail and Modelu figures it allows me to suspend reality, to imagine the ground vibration, the squealing rail and screeching rusty chairs as she creeps slowly around the sidings. It places me trackside, both in distant and recent memory and most importantly it transports me, for that moment, out of my worries and real life to a calmer space.

Whilst the design, craft and realisation of model railways offer obvious mindful benefits, it is this almost intangible act of creating story and place and allowing yourself to be at one with the scene that provides the greatest of all. Snatched moments of calm, and the restorative impact they can have on your day.

Until next time, more soon…

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