Goodbye Kohlenbachbrücke Werks…

Finished. We have come as far as we can, we’re all out of track against the buffers. It is time to move Kohlenbachbrücke to a new home…

A few months ago I had a bit of a clear out and to my surprise the layout was sold within hours whilst other items are still available! This project, born out of curiosity has been great fun. A tonic to operate and a creative outlet for thoughts I’ve had for sometime. Freed from the straight-jacket of my knowledge of both British and Canadian railways I found the opportunity to try out new ideas on composition, caricature and technique. The result was recharging, fuel for my creative soul… 

But a model railway without a personal connection was always bound to have a short shelf life (excuse me, that’s a terrible pun!). I never intended to keep this one, and it soon became ‘finished’ as well as complete. Moving it on to somewhere else gives me both physical and mental space. The layout is a complete concept, with the stock and track plan dimensions integral to its operation, so there will be no revisiting, the trains are going too!

I have enjoyed this distraction. I’ve 3 or 4 options of what might come next and in the space that follows one will become more prominent. For now, I hope you all have enjoyed the journey too, the fresh and new material it has created, perhaps given you some new ideas about what makes a successful layout, how much space do you really need? There are more photos and video if you use the ‘Kohlenbachbrücke’ label at the bottom of this post. Until next time though, more soon…

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  1. Hi James, I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the layout develop and am glad it's gone to a new home.
    I suppose I'm at a similar stage with Schinkendorf; it's done its job as a simple project to maintain my interest (and, perhaps, sanity!) in the period leading up to the move to Herefordshire.
    However, part of the plan for it was always to fulfil and develop my interest in German railways, which has been there for the 45 years since my Dad brought me a few items of Fleischmann rolling stock.
    I've acquired quite a lot of locos, stock, building kits, scenic items, books, knowledge, insight and made several new friends as a result of this little layout, so I guess that I have a personal connection with it?
    I've also got at least one upcoming exhibition booking (Ashford next spring) and will try to show it around here as well if they'll have me!
    Yet another reason for keeping Schinkendorf is that it's currently the only 16.5mm gauge layout I have; as it uses Peco Code 100, it'll make a handy test track for various 00 and 0-16.5 items that will need testing, like the Dublo R1 I picked up at the Dean Forest Railway yesterday...
    Thanks for sharing Kohlenbachbrucke, James, I've drawn quite a lot of inspiration from it.

    1. Sounds like you’re not finished then Simon, and your personal connection reminds me of my own with the Canadian modelling. I’d have enjoyed taking it to an exhibition but I never get asked - location doesn’t help - perhaps David will show it one day! There is a CM article is submitted, so it will be eternalised in print. Keep enjoying your own.

  2. Given where you are, I guess your nearest exhibitions would be at Bala or Welshpool. I don't know how you'd contact them, but perhaps via ngrm online?
    It's an odd thing, my connection with German railways started purely via the models, I've only visited Germany very briefly and spent most of that time on the Autobahn between the Dutch border and the ferry from Puttgarden to Rødby (Denmark)...and I don't remember seeing any trains in Germany!
    I'm glad you've submitted an article to CM, I showed Andrew Burnham some pics of Schinkendorf a while ago, was going to send them to him but then managed to drown my phone, so I'll need to take some more photos...


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