Commission: Susquehanna 3040

Last year I owned an Atlas Susquehanna GP40 in HO scale for a few months. I loved it, but my heart didn’t feel like it quite fitted in on Beaverbrook…

However, what we have here certainly does sing! This is an N gauge version of the same model and it’s wonderful. The sound and performance are exemplary but more, somehow it captures the character of the prototype in a way it’s big brother didn’t…

That said, it was too clean and box fresh so as part of the ‘Fancy another beer’ layout commission I have weathered it with the same palette of colours and it has come to life.

The result you see here is just a 3 stage process. Washes and airbrush combine to add just the subtlest of panel line washes with a build up of dirt on the frames and roof. I’ve always found keeping things subtle is the only way to work in N and it chimes true again here!

The commission also needed a suitable covered hopper - this is a Pacific Coast Rail System car - and grey isn’t the easiest of shades to weather. Wet on wet used along with a wide flat brush to get the subtle streaking on the side. The end cages and roof have worked well too and a small spray of dirt on the underside softened the edges nicely.

Seeing the pair conplete here is exciting - their home is equally on the final straight and should, with a prevailing wind, feature in a video tour later this week. This project has really opened my eyes to the possibilities of N, again, and I hope with their North American subject they capture the imagination of a new audience for what can be achieved in the smallest of spaces. Everyone has a home for a model railway, but that story is for another day. 

If you have a model you’d like me to breathe some character into whether it’s a locomotive, wagon, road vehicle or structure - get in touch to discuss a fixed priced proposal. Until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hi James

    Your customer will I know be very happy with this. As the now owner of your GP40, I had to go and get it to compare with the N-scale version and it is certainly hard to tell them apart. I do think the H0 version captures the prototype but then I am looking at those used on Weyerhaeuser now Patriot Rail's Texas Oklahoma & Eastern/De Queen & Eastern and your H0 model looks right on the money.

    Look forward to seeing the "Beer" video in due course and hope it inspires some other north American model

    Best regards

    1. Thanks Alan - I think I meant that the shortcomings in using a 'generic' GP40 shell are easier to forgive in miniature - rather than any per-se lack of character in the HO scale example! Glad you're still enjoying 3040!


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