Commission: Cane Locomotives in 009…

This quartet of 009 models are destined for my customers sugar cane based layout. They have been finished from kits to represent both British and German made locomotives common formerly colonial in sugar plantations in the Southern Hemisphere, and have been great fun to create…

Prototypes can be seen from colour photos to be brightly coloured and locally modified - the former captured here with four distinct but non matching shades. All four are DCC fitted, have etched plates from Custom Nameplate Studio (at Light Railway Stores) and are lightly weathered.

The first pair, number 1 and 2 are O&K models from kits I’ve designed for Narrow Planet and EuroNG. They make use of the Bachmann N gauge Percy chassis and have been hard wired for DCC with a Rails 6 pin decoder tucked inside one of the side tanks. Seeing these models side by side shows the differences I included in each kit, and the fun you can have customising similar locomotives to give them a family resemblance. 

The larger pair are Peckett inspired 0-6-0 tender locomotives from Fourdees.

These utilise a Graham Farish 08 chassis that has been fitted with a Next18 decoder. Once this is fitted however you can’t insert the chassis through the slot in the footplate so I painted and assembled them separately, fitted the decoder and then added the smokebox/boiler/cab assembly over the top. I used PVA glue to secure this if access should ever be required, at least it will be non destructive! The Fourdees design is well detailed and largely one piece structures that are best painted before assembly, very different in style to my own kits. Generally a pleasure to assemble, and well considered, to be recommended. 

In all four cases I sourced the kits, donor chassis and all parts including decoders and name plates to finish these kits. My extensive knowledge of products available and their suitability can allow me to take this off your hands and offer a complete one stop shop from sourcing to finishing. A fixed price ensures you know exactly what you’re getting and how much it will cost, spread over an agreed number if invoices. If you’d like me to help you create a dream model then get in touch for a no obligation proposal, Facebook, the forums or the contact form here in the menu (top left - although doesn’t work in some mobile browsers). In the meantime, until next time more soon…

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