On Video: Cameo Layout Fiddle Stick...

Sometimes a video is a good way to illustrate a particular aspect of a project where words and photos would make a meal of demonstrating a concept or design principle...

This latest from my workshop shares the fiddle stick design I have used on my latest, and smallest, cameo layout 'Wrecsam Canolog' - I manage to drag it out to over 7 minutes but you all seem to enjoy them, so here is the latest (click on the picture to be taken to the video on YouTube). 

Video takes an awful lot longer to create than a regular blog, so it will never replace my written word - that said I am happy the way my channel complements the written word - and gives you all a taste of who I am and you can imagine my voice in these words having seen and heard me on the 'small' screen. If you have any requests for future video topics do let me know - in the meantime though, please do subscribe and like the video. Until next time, more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.
