Imagine visiting Lochdubh…

Lochdubh is a layout fuelled by my imagination and a curious blend of primarily second hand inspiration and a smattering of first hand memories…

The layout is moving through the maturing phase where I enjoy looking into it, and imagining what final touches are required. One thing I was keen to include was a smattering of the human element and I look no further than the wonderful Modelu figures. If you click on the image above remember that this is N gauge! The definition on the figure and the character of the locomotive beautifully captured by their manufacturers, and too, the artists hand in their finish as well as the scratchbuilt elements that require such precise finishing to belie their size. 

These human touches allow us to imagine ourselves in the figures position, drawing us into the scene and our own memories. Nostalgia and model making are great bed fellows, until next time, more soon…

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