Commission: Cut-down Sentinel for Par harbour...

Sometimes a commission is a real challenge and this diminutive Sentinel certainly caused plenty of head scratching at time, the result though, is worth it...

The model has come alive under a coat of weathering - but its RT Models origins are still visible, Robert's castings and etching really helping to shortcut the commission. The prototype at Par operated from the 1930s and was later joined by Judy and Alfred, the cut down Bagnall twins. My customer was able to provide a few drawings from Sentinel including a side profile of the cut down bodywork which was a big help in making the model a reality.


Height was removed from the tank and cab, and a dropped footplate incorporated. This meant I couldn't use the supplied gearbox and drive. The model features DCC sound with a small stay alive - and so to allow room for this too, I used a High Level micromiser gear box and hoped driving on one axle would be sufficient for such a small locomotive - it is - just. The work involved some modification to the castings too, little details like the way the axle boxes were arranged and the revised 'dome' (that covers the cylinders).

The finish is just Humbrol enamels (3, 174 and 85), the custom decals were drawn especially for the project and are yellow shaded black. Once sealed in place I could add a light weathering, which unusually includes Humbrol 28 to represent clay dust. The edges of the wheels also have a touch of the white adding, if you look at the prototype it must have been running through china clay filled puddles on the quay side! Taking a look underneath (below) you can see that I've retained a degree of compensation by letting the front axle rest on a small bar glued to the base of the motor! This all just about works and the results are convincing - I've filmed a short video (attached) which looks at the finished model on my bench before a sound test on Beaverbrook.

If you have a prototype you've always wanted to model then get in touch for a no obligation fixed price proposal. I pride myself on offering a complete personal service, tailored to your requirements - and we work together through the build so the result feels as much of your hand as mine.

Get in touch using the form on the website (in the menu), or through email from my Facebook page (link on the Modelmaking Commissions page here). In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the video and photos - more soon...

I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free.


  1. Lovely work James, I watched the video the other day and I'm glad you mentioned the weathering because at first I thought there had been one of those incidents I sometimes find myself in where matt varnish takes an objection to the weather being a bit damp and blooms. It can make a good frost effect though, if that is desired!

    1. Thank you Colin. Of course, varnish bloom is never repeatable when you want it!


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