Timber traffic at Lochdubh...

I've really fallen for the 1980s Scottish layout day dreams that have been a part of my life since as long as I've known my childhood friend Tim. They come and go, but in N scale I've found the perfect blend of character, modelling and achievable results...

For the next part of the story I needed a few extra wagons - the Farish OBA (just right and actually just right) is one of a pair I picked up at Warley - this has been simply weathered (and is waiting on DG couplings) - and can be used for timber or fertiliser traffic on my fictitious Highland branchline. However, that is a story for another time…

In the early 80s British Rail converted a number of under utilised OCA wagons for the blossoming return of timber to rail, coded OTA. However this is a gap in the N gauge RTR range - so rather than hold my breath for a Farish example (well, they do one in OO!) I've assembled a pair of Chivers kits. Painted and weathered, I think you'd struggle to tell the difference in origin so I'm happy with the results and look forward to seeing these on the back of passenger trains in the next chapter. Until next time, more soon...

Oh, and is this a record - 3 days of N gauge on the blog in a row?

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