On Video: Bagnall is back with DCC sound...

Earlier this year I worked on a commission to design and build a Bagnall DL2 locomotive in OO gauge, the result should be a Planet Industrials kit in 2024. My customer, so pleased with his model, recently decided to treat it to DCC sound and so returned it for me to install along with a stay alive...

There is plenty of space within the model. In this video I share a little about the model, show the components used and demo the sound and stay alive on my Canadian H0 scale layout. The video description on YouTube includes a list of the components used.

If you enjoy this video then please do take a look at others in my YouTube channel. I'm trying to include a little more on there these days as adding an element of multi-media to the blog seems to be well received. Until next time, more soon...

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