Halifax South Western 2001...

From the time capsule, these photos capture TerraTransport GP9RM from the Halifax South Western with the ex-CN van on the remains of the old Chester sub...

This stub of the line survived into the 2000s to serve the Lakeside Industrial park, Clark transport and a transload facility, however all since have been abandoned and the TT Halifax South Western became just another terminal operator, forming and switching trains for CN from the several container terminals in the area. More recently, things have come full circle as CN has re-purchased these lines it divested 30+ years ago - but more on that another time. 

For now, it is 2001 and all of that lies ahead of us - in this moment there is only us, a GP9RM and a warm coffee and pastry waiting at Tim Hortons. 

Until next time, more soon...

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