Marathon not a sprint: The GMD G8 in TT9...

Back in July I received the test print of a model I have contemplated for probably 20 plus years. Today I share progress, proving, that even here some projects are a marathon not a sprint...

In this instance the CAD work wasn't difficult, but other priorities came and went and I found the energy of the project subsided - the initial rush of the prints arriving didn't carry through. That said, I was keen to see this one finished, if only to sit alongside my White Pass diesel in the display case, so in November I finished off the design and the results are shown here after the prototype etch arrived back last week. 

I think that despite a few shortcomings, and errors I've already spotted in my shell CAD work, the character of the model is already showing real promise. I need to add the handrails along the top of the long hood and ends, then I can get some paint on her - I can't wait, lets hope it doesn't take another 6 months to see the noodle applied! Until next time, more soon...

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