Commission: More 16t weathering…

Can you ever have too many 16t mineral wagons? I’d argue not. Their coats of many rust patterns make each unique and I’m not sure I’ll ever tire of weathering them for you, or myself…

Another trio destined for Renfrew graced the bench recently. These are early examples of the Bachmann re-tooling I think and all have later TOPs style panels fitted. The vac braked example is cleaner and less tatty, I’ve not seen these in the same condition the unfitted ones got into!

A previous owner had applied a varnish layer by hand, so to disguise some of the brush marks I used replacement panels painted on in my usual manner to brake up the sides. The result is pleasing and believable. 


These patterns are a mix of direct copying and general observation - feel if you like. The more of these you do the more I get into the mood for how the paintwork was damaged and what led to it rusting through - and as such, the patterns to ‘paint’ onto these flat plastic models. Literally brushing life into their form with Humbrol 98 and 33!


If you have an item or rake of stock you’d like me to work on then get in touch for a no obligation fixed price proposal. My commission work spans all scales, gauges, prototypes and ranges from renumbering through detailing and weathering, kit building to complete scratch builds. For now though until next time, more soon…

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  1. Hmmmm, well done, mister! Looks like real.

    1. Thank you! They ‘feel’ like real too - to me!


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