On Video: Fancy Another Beer

In yesterday's blog I introduced the complete model based upon my 'Fancy Another Beer' scheme from my first book 'Small Layout Design Handbook'...

Many of you are probably subscribed to my YouTube channel so will have spotted this popping up last week - but it's worth a second watch! Those who haven't seen it, this is my introduction to the scheme where I talk about the inspiration and touch on construction methods - as well as demonstrating the GP40 in action! I have really enjoyed this one, and all being well, it will be on its way this week to a new home in California! Yes, commissions across the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia and even the US now - I am truly humbled. Until next time, more soon...

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  1. Hello James,
    You are sending this to California!? I am in Texas and really like your work but thought that you wouldn't be able to ship something over here and it not be very expensive and arrive safely? I am getting ideas now...

    1. Hi Tom - this is about as large as could be safely and cheaply shipped - and was designed from the start to be robust with transport in mind. By all means get in touch, I'm taking commissions for the spring/summer of 2025 at present. Best, James


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