The Compendium - A second collection of modelling reflections...

Earlier this year, in response to my good friend Chris's magazine 'one' I produced my own. Simply titled Compendium it was a collection of favourite works, distilled from the blog and through my own hand, presented on paper in a tangible, immersive format, the printed page...

I didn't commit to producing a second although I certainly didn't rule it out. The success of that first effort, both for me personally and in terms of kind and warm feedback suggested it probably wouldn't be a one off - and so yes, here we are, talking about the second... still titled Compendium.

There is no theme within its pages, again a collection of favourite material subtly re-worked for paper. What you should find are heartfelt stories and personal reflection, perhaps even a mindful experience as I share thoughts, ideas and learning combined with photographs of my own modelling. A story to a spread, a collection of 38 pieces wrapped up in a perfect bound 28x21cm magazine.

I am only making a limited number - and once the order book is closed this will never be reproduced. I will not offer a PDF version, I will not offer a print on demand option - this is it, your only chance to add the second Compendium to your collection... 

£15 including UK delivery - unlike most things in life there is no inflation over the previous issue. I said I'd print 50, I might do 60, I certainly won't do 100.

So how do get one??
Contact me via the form here on the website, Facebook or the forums. If you have already expressed an interest in one and had a response from me there is no need to follow up, I have your details stored safely already. When it is ready to go to print I will email you an invoice with details of how to make the payment.

The deadline? I am aiming to go to print w/c 21st October. 

This work is a physical manifestation of my love of model railways. I hope that by sharing that with you all, this deeply personal work, it enthuses, encourages and inspires you in your own pursuit of this wonderful hobby. Until next time, more soon...

Support my work
I love writing and creating material for the blog. If you enjoy what you read and engage with I would be appreciative of any donation, large or small, to help me keep it advert and restriction free. Alternatively, feel free to buy me a coffee.


  1. October suddenly looks a whole lot brighter as I sit here in Cornwall on a grey rainy morning! Can't wait.

  2. Hi James,
    please be informed I would like to get a copy as well. I hope you have my address from the other day.

    Important notice in case you send the publication outside the UK: Please declare the shipment HS-code 490199 (books and other paper publications). Otherwise, recipients outside the UK will pay exorbitant amounts of duty and VAT; I paid a fortune for the first Compendium almost as high as the entire price of the publication while ordering your last book via Wild Swan I had to pay nothing.

    Greetings from Czechia,

  3. Hi James, I tried to order via the web form but it seems to not be sending so if possible, one copy please. Regards Barry.

    1. Hi Barry, you will find a way to email me from my Facebook page too, link is on the Modelmaking Commission page. I did get a lot of spam which is why I went to a form but it does throw a wobbler on some devices.

  4. Hi James, I think I had said I was interested at some point, but I wonder if you could check if I’m on your list. Thanks, Jonathan

  5. Hi James

    Was looking forward to this and great publication is imminent. I know it will be worth reading and to your usual high standard.

    Hope I am on your list of subscribers. Let me know when you want paying

    Hope the weather less liquid with you

    Best regards

  6. One for me please James - same address as the last one.

    1. Hi Jeremy, please drop me an email to remind me as I deleted them all after the last one.


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