‘Just a’ Crew van (N part 65)…

This post isn’t about the humble Class 08, but just entertain me for a moment. Regulars will recognise the class is somewhat of a favourite of mine. Last year I was rather taken with the pair used on the AV Dawson operation at Middlesbrough Goods, creating the ‘modern goods’ scheme. This crew van is part of that project, for which I’m collecting materials to build in 2025…

The prototype is owned by the Branchline Society and was first used on the tours of AV Dawson in 2017. There are details towards the bottom of the visit report about the van itself, converted by BR from a VIX Ferry Van to work as a crew mess van, the BLS converted it for their own use following acquisition.

The N gauge society offer this van in their ready to run range - I acquired an undecorated example for this conversion and discussed the modifications to the base model previously on the blog. Whilst the results here look good that’s because of the effort I went through in ensuring the modifications were smooth and neat!

The etched stainless steel windows and doors have come out well and are nice and robust, evidenced by the lack of damage through the painting and weathering processes. Masking this, at times was a bit hairy but the end result worth the hassle and worry I think. The overall red (Humbrol 220) is relieved by grey ends and door (Humbrol 5) and wasp stripes on the lower ends, masked using 1mm wide Humbrol precision tape.


The decals were custom printed to my design, taking inspiration from the AV Dawson logo but marked for Hilton and Mears (!), as my lovely yellow 08. The Emergency Exit and flammable markings are legible despite their small size and are lifted almost directly from the prototype in style and position.

Whereas the recent HAA wagons will be a permanent fixture on the layout the crew van will make fleeting appearances on ‘rail tours’ - this is a vanity project, something I saw and wanted the challenge of recreating in miniature. I find these sorts of projects, like the cut down 08 currently on the bench, a great mix of skills and imagination and they keep me sharp. Whilst the layout is still some time (and stock - Revolution 66 and steel carriers) away from reality I can enjoy the 08s and van on Paxton Road.

Because what is our hobby if not a ‘theatre of dreams’. I talk about the lead actors and stage set, the layout then, and our direction of it is the play, the theatre - and what better place to spend time calming the mind away from but not ignoring reality. How modelling real things in a different time and place, the craft as well as the mental order and control we exercise over the environment, how those things can prove a balm and quiet space to become better humans in our own worlds… model railways hey, possibly the best hobby in the world. More soon…

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  1. This reminds me that, somewhere, I have a kit for an N gauge ferry van; it's made from some sort of board, laser cut, and is designed for a modified Peco chassis.
    I guess that a lot of these sort of things are a bit dead in the water now that there are more detailed RTR versions available...though that makes me more likely to build the kit, if anything!
    Your model looks great, James, and I also love 350hp shunters...rode behind one a couple of weekends ago on the DFR and saw another hauling the marvellous rake of preserved green TTAs several times on Saturday!

    1. Thanks Simon, TBH I think for N to work it’s got to be so neat that a board based kit isn’t going to cut it (excuse the pun!). I’d forgotten you’d moved, I have seen photos of the orange 08 on the tanks. Looks great!


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